
What I Wore Gone with the Wind


November 22, 2010

Sweater: Piace
Dress: Megan Nieslen
Necklace: Jess LC
Belt: Vintage
Tights: We Love Colors
Slip: Vintage
Boots: Frye (c/o Need Supply)
Shades: Fred Flare*

Studio and Birthday Drinks 

While working on an outfit in my closet this morning,  I thought I was just so clever, already coming up with copy for the blog on how to build a rainy day outfit.  You see, it was a windy and wet, nasty sort of morning and I thought Hey! I can make this day better! I can be cozy!  It was my good fortune that I actually walked out the front door to a 67 degree morning. That meant my cozy inner layers actually worked as warmish outer layers instead and no boots/coat necessary! Yes!

Much like the first time I wore this dress, I just kept it simple with tonal shades of brown and a creamy cover up. And can you see my vintage slip peeking out in that gust of wind?! I love it! I feel so ladylike when I wear slips!

*I lost my original pair of these shades, which I bought from Beacon’s Closet.  Lucky for me they are in stock at Fred Flare for only $11 a pop. I bought two!

