
Bookshelf 100 Years of L.L. Bean

Gucci Belts for Women

Long, long ago, during the preppy revolution of the early 1980s (well documented by Lisa Birnbach in “The Official Preppy Handbook coach messenger bags,” her madras-covered tome of the time), I readied myself to head off to college, leaving the barren, southern Arizona desert for the verdant campus quads of Virginia. Upon receiving my anxiously awaited acceptance letter, I turned to consult my latest L.L. Bean catalog (this being the pre-Internet dark ages, natch) to order my first pair of L.L. Bean boots and one of those legendary Norwegian sweaters. I wanted to head east fully prepared for its snow-filled winters, wearing my handbook-approved school uniform, made by the most iconic, trusted outfitter I knew — or at least had read about.

“Guaranteed to Last: L.L. Bean’s Century of Outfitting America” (Melcher Media, $29.95) celebrates the centennial of that company founded by the intrepid outdoorsman Leon Leonwood Bean and the footwear that started it all: the Maine Hunting Shoe. After combining a rubber galosh with the top of a leather hunting boot (a “You got your chocolate in my peanut butter” moment), L.L. hit upon a flexible, lightweight boot for hunters that quickly found an audience beyond the back woods. L.L. Bean was a pioneer of direct marketing, and his first typewritten testimonials quickly evolved into illustrated catalogs as the range of merchandise grew. Many tote bags, chamois shirts Nike Air Max 24-7 Womens, field coats and Wicked Good Slippers later, pilgrimages to the original Freeport, Me., factory store continue to be a rite of passage for “Beaniacs” everywhere.

