Since the handbag fame of the Mulberry Alexa, there have been a few other bags that have made a name for the brand but none of them have ever come close to the Alexa craze. I am sure Mulberry aims to change that with their new Taylor collection.
The Fall 2011 collection for Mulberry found inspiration in the Great British countryside, bustling hedgerows and effortless English glamour. The Taylor collection delivers a brand new style that feels reminiscent of heritage shapes.
From the collection, I feel a very elegant and classic vibe. The design is both ladylike and functional, offering long straps with a spacious interior. There are three sizes in the Taylor family; the satchel, oversized satchel, and mini satchel. Each of the shapes will fit for a perfect occasion. Of course, I was immediately drawn to the grey ostrich satchel (pictured at the top) but the bright cabbage color lures me in as well.
Prices range from $800 to $6,000 via Mulberry.