First batch of astro-beer brewed and ready for testing (Thanks, Thesloob, via Submitterator!)"In space your whole entire face, including your tongue, swells," says Jaron. "It becomes a lot harder to taste things in space."
"With all the swelling all of your taste buds become almost a bit numb coach outlet, in a way," he says.
"Astronauts have been known for years to throw handfuls of salt and bottles on Tabasco sauce on their meals..."
"On earth when you burp, due to the gravity that's acting on your stomach, the gas and the liquid separate," he says.
"However in space... the gas and the liquid can both come up during a burp."
(Image: Hon!....Is there anymore beer?, a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (2.0) image from mikebroatch's photostream and Astronomy, Light Echoes from V838 Mon, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from 34053291@N05's photostream)
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