Handbags Update Kanye West Is Designing For Louis Vuitton!
If youe a fan of replica handbags, chances are you have a few stellar replica Louis Vuitton items stocking your collection. We all love that monogram,Gucci Italia, and who can resist the L.A. flash that these accessories have?
You would have to be watching the headlines pretty closely to catch this little tidbit, however. Leaked to an industry insider, and then to a few popular gossip sites, wee got an inside line on what the next item coming from the design house will be ?and here a hint: it not Louis Vuitton handbags,Coach Outlet Online!
Tragic, I know, because there a definite need for a fresh new model from these folks. But we will just have to make do with the line of sneakers that none other than Kanye West is going to do for LV!
While we are dedicated to replica handbags updates, this was just too big to pass up. West was spotted leaving a flagship store stocked with Louis Vuitton handbags. He flashed his kicks for the eager paparazzi,Coach Factory Outlet 2012, and announced his upcoming collaboration with this incredible fashion house.
Kanye said that he couldn give out too much information, and coyly cut the impromptu interviews short. He did admit that he had been showing off some of his designs. As far as we know, the proposed line of footwear will be all white, just like the sweet pair of shows that the man himself has been sporting lately. Replica Louis Vuitton running shoes anyone?
The line isn slated for release until this summer ?June to be exact, but wee all pretty curious to see what it will look like. The footwear he had on when he made this announcement was all-white with no decals, no monogram, no nothin? Pairing with a design house that has made its mark by literally putting its mark on everything, how will the nude,louis vuitton shoes, stripped down designs the singer is proposing be received by fans?
The artist behind some of the biggest smash hits of the past few years is definitely putting some work into fashion. With a clothing line of his own called Past Tell Clothing, and another collaboration with Nike,Louis Vuitton Outlet Store, it no wonder wee been spotting him in the front row at some of the world top fashion shows lately.
The couture connection is really strong for the lashing Lights?hitmaker: he recently revealed on his personal blog a cute pic of him sporting a custom made backpack. Maybe Kanye loves Louis Vuitton handbags as much as we do?
The backpack was trashed by some sniping bloggers who don like the look of it, but you don have to darlings ?its custom! Personally, I think the over sized carryall has some nice features,borse Gucci,Coach Factory Outlet Online, and keeps the integrity of the brand behind my favorite replica Louis Vuitton,louis vuitton handbags, while still clearly being an original creation outside of the usual confines of the maker aesthetic ?I certainly wouldn be complaining if Mr. West was behind the designs for a hot new LV line of replica handbags!